The Department of Animal Sciences thrives on the contributions of our graduate student community. In short, our science advances thanks to your curiosity, hard work, and drive to solve real-world problems. Come share your unique talents and background, and help us improve the lives of animals and people around the world.

Your faculty advisor will help you customize a curriculum that aligns with your goals. Graduates are equipped for careers in foundational and applied animal sciences at universities and colleges, with government agencies, and in agricultural and biotechnology industries.

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Frequently asked questions

Get a Master’s degree in less time!

 4 + 1 Non-Thesis Master’s program

This is an opportunity for undergrads to earn a Master of Animal Sciences degree in as little as two semesters. Available to University of Illinois undergraduates majoring in animal sciences

Choose a Faculty Advisor

We require the highest standards of teaching excellence in our faculty members. Use this feature to help you find potential faculty advisors associated with your area of interest. Select an animal, discipline, or both to get started.


Animal Sciences Faculty