In this program you will get hands-on training in a range of disciplines including basic and applied animal, biomedical, and bioenergy sciences. This degree can be completed in as little as two semesters. It is flexible and self-paced so that you can participate on a full or part-time basis.
A faculty advisor will help you select courses that support your independent studies project and strengthen your career opportunities. Areas of specialization include:
• Genetics, Genomics, and Bioinformatics
• Immunophysiology and Behavior
• Meat Science and Muscle Biology
• Microbiology
• Nutrition
• Production and Environmental Management
• Reproductive Biology
Our graduates have a competitive edge in the job market and secure higher-level jobs and increased salaries because of their advanced knowledge, experience, and skillset. Other graduates strengthen their application to professional degree programs such as veterinary medicine.

Research & Teaching Projects
Contact us to access the list of non-thesis master’s (MANSC) research/teaching projects and the memorandum of agreement (MOA)
Choose a Faculty Advisor
We require the highest standards of teaching excellence in our faculty members. Use this feature to help you find potential faculty advisors associated with your area of interest. Select an animal, discipline, or both to get started.
Animal Sciences Faculty
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