
The Sleeter Bull Meats Award was established in 1975 and is named for Dr. Sleeter Bull, a meat science professor at the University of Illinois from 1911-1956. Professor Bull served as the coach of the University Meats Judging Team, performed research in meat tenderness and color, and was involved in some of the first research in meat freezing. He is considered the father of the Meat Science program here at the university and was a recognized authority in meat processing.

Selection Considerations

Students seeking Ph.D. degrees with an emphasis in meat science and muscle biology are eligible for this award. Students will be evaluated primarily on research excellence, with emphasis on originality, creativity and significance; in addition, excellence in teaching and service, as well as their plans to impact the meat animal industry, may be taken into account.  One $1,000 award will be made. Students may not win this award more than once.

Deadlines. The application deadline is March 1st of each year.

Application materials: Students should submit the following by email to Dr. Anna Dilger by March 1 of each year:

  1. An up-to-date curriculum vitae for the nominee, including peer-reviewed publications, abstracts, other publications, awards, and research grants.
  2. A letter of application not to exceed 2 pages outlining the significance of your completed and proposed research and highlighting your experience in research, teaching and extension.

Recipients will be chosen by a panel of meat science faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences and University of Illinois Meat Science alumni.

Past Recipients

Year Name
2025 Jenna Girman
2024 Kaitlin Guthrie
2023 Joe Metz
2022 Kaitlin Richey
Danielle Shirey
2021 Kayla Barkley
2020 Xuenan Chen